These are all you need to know about face masks

The facial masks are a cosmetic product that is used in a punctual way to complement in a simple way the daily beauty ritual. For the benefits they offer to be really effective, it is necessary to look for the one that best suits each type of skin and that contains the necessary active ingredients that help to improve the facial dermis.

As indicated by Modesta Cassinello Sola, pharmacist of La pharmacia de Modesta, "the facial masks offer benefits from the first application in just a few minutes," allowing to purify, moisturize or illuminate the area. These effects act in sensitive skins, as well as in dry and dehydrated skins, or mixed-oily skins.

General effects

There are also specialized masks for eye contour. There are also multifunctional products that can be used as a normal moisturizer or as a moisturizing mask for any skin type. If a thicker layer is applied and left on for a few minutes.

Types of masks


Its functions

For what types of skin are there face masks?

The benefits for each skin are determined by the active ingredients of the facial mask. The expert establishes which mask to use depending on the characteristics of the dermis:

Different textures

This product can be found in a cream and in a peel off system, which transforms into a thin transparent film as it dries, allowing it to be removed in one go. There are also masks impregnated into a fabric, also known as veil-type masks, which adapt to the skin and have a more occlusive action. The expert recommends the masks in single-dose format, since "they allow you to try these cosmetics without large investments. This product in small doses allows you to benefit from the different assets of each mask until you find the one that suits the needs of each skin.

How to apply

Before starting to apply the mask it is advisable to have clean and toned hands. Also, it is possible to exfoliate the skin, so that it is more receptive to the assets that are applied later. This last step is advisable for all skin types "except for those with acne in which exfoliation would not be indicated," says Cassinello.

The time has come to apply the mask. Apply it evenly to dry skin and leave it on for several minutes. The waiting time will depend on the type of mask. Therefore, before using this product, it is advisable to find out about its properties and how to use it as recommended by each laboratory. While the mask acts on the skin must try to relax to get the best results.

Once the mask has made its effect, it must be rinsed well with warm water, dried gently and continue applying the rest of the beauty products used daily.

The pharmacist recommends using this product every week and alternating different masks to test how the different active ingredients act on the skin and thus improve the appearance of the skin you want.

Take care of your skin at home with these facial masks: quick and easy to make

The face is every person's calling card, so most people look for effective options to improve the appearance of their skin. A very popular option lies in facial masks as they are a subtle treatment that allows the skin to be cared for in various ways.

There are many types of face masks. There are to moisturize the skin, avoid acne or oily skin, improve expression lines, give more smoothness to the face, eliminate blackheads, among others.

Now that you have to stay at home longer, due to the preventive isolation, you can take a space out of your agenda to take care of your skin and apply home treatments that favor your skin. Best of all, they are easy to do and are usually made with basic ingredients found at home.

Face masks, effective aids for the face

Strawberry and honey

Look for 5 fresh strawberries and crush them with a little honey, combine both ingredients until you get a kind of paste. Place the natural preparation on your face and let it act for about 20 minutes.

Remove with abundant water until there is no trace of the mask. This homemade treatment serves to soften and moisturize the dermis.

Chamomile and Aloe Vera

It begins by preparing an infusion of chamomile. Then, she takes the stem of an aloe vera silver and removes the crystalline liquid and adds it to the tea along with a handful of coriander. Mix all the ingredients together and when you get a smooth paste place it on your face for about 15 minutes.

Use warm water to remove this mask which is intended to provide support for improving acne.

Olive oil and lemon

If your problem is blackheads, then you can try this natural remedy. Mix olive oil with the juice of half a lemon and apply it to the face, let it act for about 15 minutes and remove with abundant water.

It is worth noting that people with sensitive skin should refrain from using it because the effect of the lemon (as an astringent and exfoliant) can cause unwanted irritation.

Yogurt and oatmeal

Do you have oily skin? Don't worry, this beauty problem is shared by many women but the good thing is that it has a solution. Try combining 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and another 2 of orange zest.

Mix all the food until you get a soft paste, apply it on your face and let it take effect for an estimated time of 15 minutes. The purpose of this natural treatment is to help you say goodbye to excess oil on your skin.

Four natural masks that could help to eliminate skin blemishes

Different aspects can cause spots or imperfections in the dermis, however there are ways to diminish its appearance.

Skin care is important for health; there are methods to eliminate spots or imperfections that can appear in the dermis for various reasons.

The constant use of natural products in masks can help you have a healthier skin and visibly better appearance.

According to Mayo Clinic, age spots, also called sun spots or lentigines, are small dark areas on the skin. They vary in size and usually appear on the face, hands, shoulders and arms, the areas most exposed to the sun.

There are several dermatological treatments that can help, however, the development of masks can contribute to their improvement.

These are some homemade masks with natural ingredients that can help improve the appearance of the skin.

Parsley and lemon mask

Parsley is an aromatic plant, which has properties that are good for health, especially for its contribution in iron. Generally, ingesting it brings benefits, however apply it to the skin as well.


Put all the ingredients in a blender or mortar and mix until a uniform paste is formed.
Use it at night every third day, applying it on the clean face.
Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse with fresh water.

Rice Flour and Milk Mask

Wheat or rice flour has multiple beneficial properties for the skin. Wheat germ is very rich in minerals, zinc and vitamin E, which helps rejuvenate aspects of the face.


Incorporate the rice flour with the milk, heat it until shortly before it reaches boiling point.
Let it cool down and apply to the face and neck at least twice a week.
Allow it to act for 20 to 25 minutes, then wash your face as you normally do.

Camomile and Honey Mask

Chamomile is a medicinal plant that helps control stomach pain, improves digestion, reduces stress, helps you sleep better, among other things.

It also has benefits for the skin, such as helping to cleanse, tone, soften, restore the balance of inflamed skin, diminish the appearance of pores and scarred veins that appear near the eye area.


Prepare an infusion or chamomile tea more concentrated than you normally drink and add the honey.
Moisten the cotton pad with the liquid and apply it to your face and neck.
Leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash your face and repeat at least 3 times a week.

Apple vinegar

The Apple Vinegar, beyond its culinary use, can be a useful beauty tool that serves to fight the spots, wrinkles, granites of the oily skin or to improve the dry skin, since it favors the oxygenation of the face. It is rich in natural enzymes, pectin and mineral trace elements, which nourish and treat the skin.


Moisten the cotton pads with the apple vinegar and apply it to a clean face.
Leave the vinegar on for 20 minutes and then wash your face.
Do it at least three times a week and at night.

Seven tips to eliminate blackheads

Blackheads are the primary lesion of one of the types of acne, the so-called comedoniac. It is a hard mass of keratin and sebum that obstructs and dilates the follicular orifice.

"The part of the comedo exposed to the outside is darkened by oxidative alterations and the lower or deep part is white in color. Other comedones do not have that opening to the outside and are spherical structures of a whitish color (closed comedo)," explains Miguel Casas, a dermatologist at the Asturias Medical Center in Oviedo.

The expert continues by stating that "acne lesions are the result of complex hormonal and bacterial effects in the hair-sebaceous follicle. Also other factors such as psychic stress, feeding, manipulation or inadequate treatments can produce problems".

To combat the problem effectively, the experts give these tips to eliminate blackheads:

1) Hygiene
"Skin hygiene with appropriate detergents is an essential part of the therapy and is highly appreciated by patients," says Casas.

Bibiana Pérez, a dermatologist from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), is committed to regularly using non-aggressive soaps or syndets and carefully removing makeup with specific products.

2) Masks and exfoliants
Pérez points out that "specific masks and exfoliants, used regularly, also diminish blackheads". In addition, cosmetics with retinol derivatives and alpha-hydroxy acids help prevent the appearance of this type of lesions.

2) Hydration
The dermatologist points out that "there are specific, non-comedogenic, oil-free moisturizing creams on the market that are suitable for this type of oily skin.

3) Acne treatments
There are several active principles of topical use that have beneficial effects against acne. Casas gives as example the benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoic acid, isotretinoin, adapalen, among others. "Constantly applied, they present very good results after a few months," he says. The expert reminds us that "one should always go to the dermatologist to begin these therapeutic measures".

4) Topical antibiotics
Topical antibiotics, on the other hand, should only be applied in case of inflammatory lesions.

5) Peeling
Surface peels can also be performed. These treatments are performed in the medical office.

6) Avoiding manual extraction
Casas points out that manual extraction of comedones is only indicated in senile comedones, but never in acne.

7) Hormonal control in women
Oral contraceptives can control acne breakouts in women, so they can be used for this purpose.

Do you know your skin type?


At first glance it seems like an easy question, one of those things you seem to be forced to know, of which you also have a simple answer. But surely more than once you've asked yourself that question by looking in the mirror carefully, hoping to find an answer, as if it were Snow White's magic mirror. And the answer is not so clear, determining it is not always easy, since each skin is a world and, moreover, it changes over time.

However, skin can be classified into four types, each with its own characteristics and treatments, as explained by Macarena Viro, from the Bombos de Córdoba Pharmacy and specialist in dermatology and the dermatologist Miguel Sánchez Viera, director of the Institute of Integral Dermatology in Madrid.

Normal skin
This type of skin has a regular texture and no imperfections. In addition, it has a smooth and clean appearance without the need to do anything. "It is characterized because it has no shine and the pore is small. People who have this type of skin have a pink and uniform tone," explains Viro.

Normal skin is probably the easiest to treat, since it does not need special care. However, one should not be too careless, because even though it does not need as much care as others, it should also be given attention, since over time it tends to become dry skin.

Sánchez Viera points out that the skin needs to be toned and cleaned, as well as given moisturizing cream day and night, to protect and moisturize the epidermis. "You must use a rich but easily absorbed lotion cream that softens the skin's touch, deeply moisturizes and soothes extremely dry skin," he says.

Although normal skin does not present any particular problem, it is essential to have specific care to avoid damage due to external factors such as sun exposure or natural aging.

Mixed skin
As the word itself says, this type of skin is between normal skin and oily skin. The oily area usually corresponds to the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin), while on the cheeks the skin is between normal and dry.

Both experts agree that this type of skin is the most difficult to care for due to its mix of characteristics. It is necessary to get a correct hydration and at the same time not generate sebum and treat the areas separately, not to mix them. It is advisable to perform an exfoliation and nutritive mask once a week.

Oily skin
People who have oily skin have a shiny look all over their face, due to the high production of sebum. The biggest problem of this type of skin is pimples and blackheads. The specialist in dermopharmacy points out that "they are characterized by a very dilated pore and a citrine aspect".

The excess of sebum requires a routine and specific products. Oily skin must be exfoliated often to avoid dirt. There are several causes and factors that can cause excess oil on the face: hormonal imbalance, genetic inheritance, age, climate, diet and lifestyle among others, explains Sanchez. "The ideal way to put an end to this type of problem is to unmask the cause through an in-depth diagnosis and follow a specific treatment, as well as avoiding fried foods and saturated fats," he points out.

Dry skin
Dry skin is characterized by a lack of moisture in it, which gives a feeling of tightness and stiffness. It can be peeled and has a dull, white appearance and a rough feel. Sometimes it tends to have spots and sometimes it seems more aged than it really is, besides that it is very affected by the climatic changes.

To treat this type of skin, both experts recommend a good hydration with moisturizing creams. These cosmetics contain essential fatty acids and antioxidant substances that help restore the natural moisture of dry skin to increase its flexibility. Their continued application decreases the rough appearance and creates a protective barrier.

Our skin also changes
The skin is defined at birth, in fact the skin type is usually the same throughout life. However, there are some aspects that will influence and make it change.

The director of Integral Dermatology explains: "when we are born our skin is very thin and permeable to many substances or the sun's rays. In addition, the defenses of the dermis are not fully developed". Adolescence is marked by hormonal changes, during which many adolescents have acne, which can be alleviated with good hygiene and consultation with a specialist if necessary.

In adulthood the skin continues to change, generating certain confusion about what its condition is. In fact, people who have oily skin when young, with age it dries up, although acne often continues at any age with occasional outbreaks. On the other hand, dry skin during adolescence tends to be extremely dry and to flake and wrinkle more easily. Therefore, it is good to change cosmetic products according to Viro.

In addition, there are several factors that influence the possible changes of the skin. Sanchez talks about two types of factors: one endogenous, whose main cause is the genetics that produces the reduction of the secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the degeneration of the elastic fibers or the appearance of the atopic dermatitis; and another exogenous, like the ultraviolet rays, the feeding, the contamination, the stress or the lack of sleep.

Facial treatments by age

After the excesses of the year that can leave the skin damaged or with imperfections, the flash treatments are outlined as a good option to face the Christmas with the best face.

These types of treatments are designed for people who want to obtain visible and fast results. The passing of time and external aggressions (such as the sun, cold or tobacco), cause the skin to suffer from imbalance, dehydration, signs of fatigue or symptoms of aging.

According to María Teresa Truchuelo, dermatologist at the Hospital Vithas Nuestra Señora de América, in Madrid, it is common for the skin to receive little care during the course of the year: "Just as we go to the hairdresser's several times a year, we should be more attentive to the needs of our skin. We are a bit left with our skin, we tend to remember when the problem appears, the stain, the marked wrinkle, but, in general, we don't think about how vital it is to protect ourselves from the sun or to moisturize ourselves".

But just as people choose carefully where they are going to cut their hair, it is also necessary to make a good choice of who is going to take care of their skin. For this, the expert Truchuelo, recommends a continuous treatment and, at the same time, a more specific one so that the result can be effective. "We carry out an assessment to cover the needs of each person. It must be taken into account that there are oily, mixed, dry, photo-aged skins and, on the other hand, different expressions and bone structures," she adds.

Among all the changes caused by the passage of time, those of the skin are the most visible, since aging manifests itself in the form of wrinkles and sagging.

The choice of the best therapy will depend on the patient's age and the characteristics of the epidermis:

At the age of 20
At this stage, the skin is divided into three types: oily, mixed or dry. Depending on its characteristics, facial cleansing is ideal if no specialist recommends something more specific. With this treatment, the remains of dead cells and dirt can be removed; the result is a more uniform epidermis with greater luminosity.

At the age of 30
More drastic options such as physical peels are recommended. The laser rejuvenates the skin and improves the appearance of scars.

These treatments consist in the removal of different superficial layers of the skin to promote its regeneration, finishing with the dead cells that reduce the luminosity of the face. Depending on the layers that are removed, various types of results are achieved: anti-acne, anti-wrinkle, anti-blemish, etc.

At the age of 40
The best option at this stage is the use of pulsed light, which results in cleaner and more hydrated skin. This treatment is based on a high intensity light source that covers a wide range of colors and produces diverse effects on the skin. In this way, "it works like an intelligent scalpel to eliminate irregular structures or brown and red spots, which uniforms the skin tone," explains Truchuelo.

From the age of 50 or 60
The most recommended is the botulinum toxin. This toxin acts locally by blocking the release of acetylcholine, which results in temporary muscle paralysis, without producing any physical injury to the nerve structures. In addition, Truchuelo the dermatologist adds that "numerous studies certify that people who have been using this technique for several years have more stimulated elastin and collagen production. Addiction to this treatment is a false myth.

Through the campaign Your health does not wait Madrid, launched by the Hospital Vithas Our Lady of America which has an area of dermatology for the knowledge of human skin and the diseases that affect it, diagnostic tests are offered in 24 hours, consultations in 48 and surgeries in 72.

Do you want to buy masks for your face? These are the types of face masks you should know

The world of face masks is like the world of lipsticks: there is a different one for each day of the week. Discover how they differ and how they are used
We can't help it, we lose our face masks. With their aromas, textures and effects so varied, we can hardly do without them. Especially since they are marketed in those comfortable single-dose packages. All cosmetic firms have turned to the development of ingenious formats of facial masks that attract the attention of those who want to wear a doll's face without having to go to the beauty center. Because who has the time (and money) to go once a week for a facial treatment?

Asian women are a little ahead of us in this area, but little by little, it seems that we are adding to the healthy trend of taking 15 minutes to care for the face and relax body and mind. Delicious aromas, bubbling formulas, gelatinous textures, refreshing clays... Who can resist!

Stick masks


They are a recent novelty in terms of facial mask application and are intended for home use. The most outstanding feature of this stick format is its easy application on the face, which allows to dose the amount of product we need, in the specific area and without staining our hands (or any other tool) or wasting. With this format of mask in "stick" you can combine masks with different functions in points of the face with different needs.

Olay or Yes to are brands that have masks in stick format.

LED masks

A format that has nothing to do with the rest and that we will find in beauty centers, although we will also find domestic versions. They use a technology developed by NASA based on LED light with wavelengths at low intensity, designed to treat marks and scars. It has different types of treatment depending on the light used: acne (blue), purifying and detoxifying (green), anti-redness (yellow), rejuvenating (purple), etc.

Peel off masks

This type of facial mask is very popular among women who want to remove impurities and blackheads from their skin. What makes them particular is that, although they have a gel texture, once they are applied, they solidify until giving rise to a fine gelatinous film that is removed at once dragging the impurities of the skin. They are for weekly use and are removed by lifting the film from the corners of the face.

A trick: before putting on your peel off mask, apply a steam bath to open your pores. If you prefer, do it after the shower to take advantage of the steam. This way you will get better results.

Within these masks, black masks have become especially popular. The original is made from "Ghassoul" clay from Morocco, although the market has been filled with multiple versions that are simply "peel off" black masks.


They are usually purifying masks that in addition to deeply cleansing the skin hydrate it. Normally, their star ingredient is clay which, depending on the type, can be more appropriate for oily, mixed, normal or dry skin. In general, clay is highly valued for its astringent power, which is especially interesting when it comes to cleaning the face of oil and impurities.

These masks are applied to the skin by hand or with a brush and are left on for about 15 minutes, until they harden. Then, they are removed with warm water or a soaked towel.

Veil masks

They are the most fashionable face masks in recent years, partly driven by the high demand in the Asian market. They are cellulose masks soaked in a variety of active ingredients that are placed on the face for 15-20 minutes and then removed without the need for rinsing. A small massage with the fingertips will facilitate the absorption of the product left on the skin.

They can contain all kinds of ingredients: anti-wrinkle, to give luminosity, to moisturize, to nourish, to relax, to clarify the complexion, etc. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, collagen or even gold, are usually the most common in this type of mask.

Bubble masks

They are the latest of the latest. They are carbonized masks that have been popularly called "bubble mask" because, once applied to the face, they generate bubbles that promise to cleanse the pores thoroughly. One of the beauty "hits" of this year.

Exfoliating masks

They are masks that include small particles that exfoliate the face, dragging impurities and dead skin. Therefore, once applied on the skin, a soft massage is performed in circles that will leave the skin very soft and free of dead cells.

Sauna Effect Masks

These facial masks are so named because when applied to the face they produce a heat effect that opens the pores and cleanses them deeply. In addition, the change in temperature has a relaxing and anti-stress effect. They are applied like any cream mask and removed with warm water.

Magnetic masks

The novelty of magnetic masks is that they are removed from the skin with a magnet that attracts the product (iron particles are those that work the miracle). It is a type of purifying mask, so it is recommended for skin with pore problems. But also, in the case of Dr. Brandt's Magnetight Age-Defier, it has an anti-aging and illuminating effect, for dull skin.

How is it used? It is applied to the skin and left to act for a few minutes. It does not need to dry, then it is removed with a magnet wrapped in a handkerchief on which the product will accumulate. The product will remain on the skin and will be absorbed if we massage the skin with soft touches of the fingertips. A curious beauty ritual that has more to do with marketing than with effectiveness.

Gold masks

Gold has become a trend ingredient in cosmetics in recent years. Its cosmetic benefits against wrinkles, lack of elasticity and in favor of cell regeneration, have also been taken advantage of by the prolific face mask industry. In some cases, this has meant elevating gold masks to the category of luxury products (up to 300 euros can be paid for a gold mask), although we will also find "low cost" versions.

Glitter masks

Similar to the concept of magnetic masks, the appeal of glitter masks is precisely that they are peel-off masks containing glitter. The combination of these two features makes them Instagram's meat.

Lifting masks

These are masks in "stripe" format or patches that are applied to localized points of the face to achieve a lifting effect: MagicStripes. From the eyelids to the jowls, these are patches with anti-aging active ingredients and a massage effect. But in addition, many of them work as a "lifting" effect of remove and put, for example, to correct the sagging of the upper eyelids.

Powder Masks

These masks in powder format must be prepared before application, mixing them with water. They are then applied to the face and left on for 15-20 minutes.

Cream masks

The most common are those with a greasy texture and a great amount of nutrients that are usually applied in beauty centers. They leave the face very moisturized, so they are not for daily use. However, they are especially recommended for very dry skin.


For face mask fans, there is a way to have them all and combine them. And it is the "multimasking", which consists of applying in each area of the face the most appropriate to take advantage locally of its benefits. For example, in the nose a black mask for the pores, in the cheeks and forehead a green clay one for the mixed areas, in the eye contour an anti-aging one, etc.